Dec 12, 2008

got tounge?

This is a tribute to Kristine. she did this at her 13th b-day two and a half years ago.

Dec 8, 2008

BeAuTiFuL dAy

This was a beautiful day in England. It was when Hayden and I first put a real thought to being male models. We had just seen our reflection in the stream. Once we saw the reflection we struck a pose. At that moment a man walking by thought to himself "those two guys are ridiculously good looking" then took a picture of us. That was one of the best days of our lives. ;]

Nov 20, 2008

Widows Mite

Widows Mite had a Reunion a few day ago.

The only member that didn't come was Brian Nixson. but we still tryed to involve him.

Nov 15, 2008

Nov 14, 2008

First post

this is our first post on this blog so we put a random assortment of different stuff we do.